Mercury IMERC Solid
Waste Site
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Solid Waste Program Solid Waste Projects


Ongoing Projects

Climate - Materials Action - Provides information on NEWMOA's climate and materials activities.
Construction & Demolition Materials - Provides information on NEWMOA's C&D materials projects and reports.
Extended Producer Responsibility - Provides information on NEWMOA's extended producer responsibility (EPR) efforts.
Food Recovery - Provides information on NEWMOA's food recovery efforts.
Municipal Solid Waste - Presents NEWMOA's "Interstate Flow of Municipal Solid Waste Among the NEWMOA States" data analysis and reports.
Pharmaceutical Waste Project - Provides information on NEWMOA's technical assistance and training project for long term care facilities and others that dispense pharmaceuticals in NH and VT on proper management of unused drugs.
Soil Reuse - Provides information on NEWMOA's Soil Reuse Project and the state information resources.
Solid Waste Disposal Capacity - Provides information on solid waste disposal capacity in the northeast.
Solid Waste Landfills - Provides information on managing solid waste landfills, both open and closed in the northeast.

Past Projects

Agricultural Plastics Recycling - Provides information on NEWMOA's agricultural plastics recycling project.
Beneficial Reuse of Waste Materials - Provides information on NEWMOA's Beneficial Use Determinations (BUD) Database and factsheets.
Bulky Waste Reuse & Recycling - Provides information on NEWMOA's project to promote reuse and recycling of bulky wastes in rural communities.
Commercial Waste Paper Recycling - Provides information on NEWMOA's Commercial Waste Paper Recycling initiative.
Gypsum Wallboard Waste - Provides information on NEWMOA's gypsum wallboard waste project and report.
Improving Safety & Reducing Waste at Transfer Stations - Provides information on NEWMOA's project to improve employee safety and promote waste reduction at rural transfer stations.
Open Waste Burning - View or download television, radio, and print public service announcements that raise awareness of open burning of solid waste.
Save Money & Reduce Trash (SMART) - Provides information on NEWMOA's project to promote SMART programs in rural communities.
Waste Paint Reuse & Recycling - Provides information on NEWMOA's project to promote strategies to reduce generation and increase reuse and recycling of waste paint in rural communities.
Waste Tires - View or download "Waste Tires in the NEWMOA States."



Last Modified 08/16/2021

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Copyright 2024 NEWMOA, Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association
89 South Street, Suite 600; Boston, MA 02111-2651;
ph (617) 367-8558
fax (617) 367-0449
TDD/TTY (857) 265-3934
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