NEWMOA Mercury Workgroups and Networking Groups* include the following:
IMERC Education & Outreach Workgroup
Mission: To facilitate coordination among IMERC member states on education and outreach activities related to mercury reduction efforts.
Maine Department of Environmental Protection |
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection |
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation |
Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA) |
NEWMOA Workgroup Staff:
Andy Bray,
[hide group]
IMERC Labeling Workgroup
Mission: To facilitate coordination among IMERC member states on product labeling requirements.
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection |
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality |
Maine Department of Environmental Protection |
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation |
Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA) |
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation |
Washington Department of Ecology |
NEWMOA Workgroup Staff:
Andy Bray,
[hide group]
IMERC Notification Workgroup
Mission: To facilitate coordination among IMERC member states on product notification requirements.
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection |
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality |
Maine Department of Environmental Protection |
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection |
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation |
Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA) |
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation |
NEWMOA Workgroup Staff:
Andy Bray,
[hide group]
IMERC Phase-Out Exemptions Workgroup
Mission: To facilitate coordination among IMERC member states on product phase-out requirements.
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection |
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality |
Maine Department of Environmental Protection |
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation |
Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA) |
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation |
NEWMOA Workgroup Staff:
Andy Bray,
[hide group]
IMERC Steering Committee
Mission: To form a single point of contact for information submission and access on mercury-added products; to reduce mercury in waste; to facilitate interstate deliberations on mercury-added product requirements that provide advice and assistance to the individual states for their decision-making.
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection |
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality |
Maine Department of Environmental Protection |
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection |
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy |
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency |
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection |
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation |
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) |
Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA) |
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation |
Washington Department of Ecology |
NEWMOA Workgroup Staff:
Andy Bray,
[hide group]
* Note: Networking Groups are groups of state and federal contacts that have a common interest and responsibility in a particular waste management, waste site cleanup, or pollution prevention area that use the networking group to share information electronically and through irregular conference calls or meetings, if appropriate. The primary focus of these groups is to share information and not to conduct projects.