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Solid Waste Program Publications

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Interstate Flow in 2018 [PDF] [PDF]
2021. 34pp.
Presents the results of NEWMOA's data collection and analysis efforts through a series of figures that summarize both state-specific and region-wide 2018 MSW disposal data, including trends from 1999 through 2018.
Solid Waste Disposal Capacity in the Northeast [PDF]
2021. 17pp.
Provides information on solid waste disposal capacity in the northeast.

NEWMOA developed a series of short handouts targeted to residents that promote food waste reduction practices, including home composting. NEWMOA created customized versions for each project partner, as well as fillable form versions that other communities can edit and distribute:

NEWMOA developed a short outreach handout for businesses and institutions on food donation:

NEWMOA also developed an eight page composting guidance documents for residents looking to get started.

Transfer Stations

NEWMOA developed a series of handouts targeted to residents using rural transfer stations. The handouts promote waste reduction practices, including, reuse and recycling, and properly disposing of problem items.

The following handouts provide general information for consumers about waste reduction and recycling:

For some of the handouts, NEWMOA created customized versions for each partner, as well as fillable form versions that other communities can edit and distribute:

Note: You will need Adobe Reader http://www.newmoa.org/images/externalLink.gif Version 8 or newer to edit these forms. Hold your mouse over the shaded areas and click to enter text. Be sure to save the form on your computer as a PDF before editing the document.

NEWMOA also developed accompanying educational posters, to be displayed at transfer stations to further communicate these messages to residents. The 11x17 versions were lamintaed and distributed to all facilities in the North Country of New Hampshire. The NEKWMD in Vermont preferred 24x36 A-frame posters that could fit on sandwich boards and be rotated among their individual transfer stations on a regular basis.

Bulky Waste
In 2016, NEWMOA prepared a series of guides to help local government officials in rural communities to better understand the options available for reusing and recycling furniture, mattresses, carpet, and large rigid plastic items, and to develop strategies for managing these wastes and diverting them from landfill disposal.
Briefing Paper: Northeast Committee on the Environment (NECOE) - Challenges Facing Recycling in the Northeast[PDF]
2018. 9pp.
NEWMOA and the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) prepared this briefing paper for the Northeast Committee on the Environment (NECOE) to identify some of the challenges facing residential recycling programs in the northeast. It describes the overall economic benefits of recycling for the region and focuses on paper, glass, and plastic as key materials that are challenging in the current markets for recycled materials.
SMART: Communities Save Money & Reduce Trash [PDF]
2015. 2pp.
An outreach fact sheet to promote the benefits of SMART to the general public. It is a writable PDF so users can enter the appropriate local information in the "For More Information Contact" box on the back page before saving and posting or printing the handout.
Experiences of 11 Rural Communities that Implemented SMART
In 2014, NEWMOA developed short (1 or 2 page) case studies for the following small rural municipalities with experience implementing a SMART program, including before/after data when available.
Fair Pricing Strategies Brochures
2014. 4pp.
NEWMOA developed brochures that include case studies and quotes from representatives of rural communities that have implemented SMART. The version accessed by the first set of links is designed for use in any geographic location.
View as: individual pages [PDF] or 11 x 17 layout [PDF]
Tips for Minimizing Paint Waste
2013. 2pp.
Targeted towards consumers, painting contractors, and other users of paint. One side, Tips for Minimizing Paint Waste, focuses on preventing the generation of waste paint. The other side, What To Do With Leftover Latex Paint…, is customized to include local options for donating, disposing of, reusing, and recycling leftover latex paint. NEWMOA partnered with five rural communities to create local versions of the handout template versions for other communities to use to customize with information for their local area are also available here.
Reducing, Reusing, & Recycling Waste Latex Paint in Rural Communities
2013. 8pp.
Presents a brochure that helps local government officials in rural communities better understand options available for reducing, reusing, and recycling leftover latex paint, including case studies.
View as: individual pages [PDF] or 11x17 layout for printing brochure [PDF]
NEWMOA Resolution on the Definition of Product Stewardship & Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) [PDF]
2013. 3pp.
Presents a resolution of the NEWMOA Board of Directors that defines product stewardship as the act of minimizing health, safety, environmental, and social impacts, and maximizing economic benefits of a product and its packaging throughout all lifecycle stages and EPR as a mandatory type of product stewardship that includes, at a minimum, the requirement that the producer's responsibility for its product extends to post-consumer management of that product and its packaging.
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Interstate Flow in 2010 [PDF]
2013. 33pp.
Presents the results of NEWMOA's data collection and analysis efforts through a series of figures that summarize both state-specific and region-wide 2010 MSW disposal data, including trends from 1999 through 2010.
Transforming Solid Waste Management in Connecticut & Beyond [PDF]
2012. 35pp.
Provides a summary of the major themes, ideas, and options for action that were presented and discussed during a series of 2012 events in Connecticut focused on re-envisioning solid waste management for the 21st century.
Policy Options White Paper - Promoting Greater Recycling of Gypsum Wallboard from Construction & Demolition (C&D) Projects in the Northeast [PDF]
2010. 29pp.
Presents viable policy options for state agencies to consider for promoting greater gypsum recovery.
Interstate Flow of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Among the NEWMOA States in 2008 [PDF]
2010. 31pp.
Describes the results of NEWMOA's data collection and analysis efforts through a series of figures that summarize both state-specific and region-wide 2008 MSW disposal data, including trends from 1999 through 2008.
NEWMOA Climate-Waste Action Plan [PDF]
2009. 49pp.
Presents NEWMOA's strategy for mitigating and adapting to climate change through improving waste prevention and recycling initiatives, increasing renewable energy on contaminated sites, implementing "greener" site remediation, and improving management and recycling of disaster debris.
Agricultural Plastics Recycling Best Management Practices (BMP) Posters
Construction & Demolition (C & D) Waste Management in the Northeast in 2006 [PDF]
2009. 65pp.
Discusses the definition of C&D waste by the state environmental agencies in the Northeast and NEWMOA's data gathering and analysis methodology.
Interstate Flow of Construction & Demolition Waste Among the NEWMOA States in 2002 [PDF]
2005. 64pp.
Describes the quantity of C&D waste that was disposed of in each NEWMOA state and the quantity that is processed in each state, and a characterization of the interstate flow of the material.
Interstate Flow of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Among the NEWMOA States in 2002
2004. 64pp.
View: Report [PDF], Appendix B [PDF]
Interstate Flow of Municipal Solid Waste Among the NEWMOA States in 2000 [PDF]
2002. 43pp.
Presents available 2000 data on the movement of municipal solid waste for disposal among the northeast states, and a comparison between 1999 and 2000.
Waste Tires in the NEWMOA States [PDF]
2002. 26pp.
Describes waste tire generation, particularly those for which reuse as a tire is not possible.
Interstate Flow of Municipal Solid Waste Among the NEWMOA States in 1999 [PDF]
2000. 33pp.
Presents available data on the movement of MSW for disposal among the northeast states.
Public Service Announcements on Open Burning of Solid Waste
Don't Trash Our Air [PDF]
2004. 2pp.
Provides a joint resolution promoting interstate cooperation to reduce air pollution from open burning of solid waste.



Last Modified 08/25/2020

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