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IMERC Fact Sheet (PDF)
IMERC 2015 - 2020 Strategic Plan (PDF)

Starting in 1999 the states in the Northeast and other parts of the country actively began to pursue enactment of legislation focused on reducing mercury in products and waste. In the Northeast, these efforts focused on enactment of provisions of the Mercury Education and Reduction Model Legislation. In 2001 NEWMOA launched the Interstate Mercury Education and Reduction Clearinghouse (IMERC) to provide:

  • Ongoing technical and programmatic assistance to states that have enacted mercury education and reduction legislation
  • A single point of contact for industry and the public for information on mercury-added products and member states' mercury education and reduction programs

The IMERC state members include Connecticut, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington.

IMERC's Activities

Overall, IMERC facilitates deliberations that provide advice and assistance to the individual states for their decision-making. Specifically, IMERC:

  • Collects and manages data submitted by manufacturers of mercury-added products, as necessary to implement the notification provisions of state mercury reduction legislation;
  • Facilitates interstate collaboration on the development and implementation of public education and outreach programs on mercury-added products;
  • Endeavors to make information on mercury-added products available to industry and the public;
  • Responds to public information requests for information on mercury-added products, the requirements of the member states, and the status of state implementation of their laws; and
  • Provides technical assistance, facilitate reviews, and make recommendations to the member states concerning
    • manufacturers' applications for exemptions to the phase-out of mercury-added products;
    • manufacturers' applications for alternative labeling of mercury-added products; and
    • manufacturers' plans for collection and proper waste management of mercury-containing materials.

IMERC's Structure

IMERC's membership includes NEWMOA and non-NEWMOA member state government agencies. All members pay an annual fee and have a vote on the recommendations made by the Clearinghouse to the states. All state representatives to IMERC are appointed by the responsible State Agency Commissioner/Director.

NEWMOA's staff provides logistical, facilitation, and technical support for the activities of IMERC.

In 2014, IMERC prepared a Strategic Plan to frame its activities for 2015 - 2020.

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Last Modified 10/13/2022

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