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Bulky wastes include furniture, carpet, mattresses, and such large rigid plastic items as kiddie swimming pools and play structures. The predominant method of managing these items in the northeast is through landfill disposal. This method is expensive and challenging for homeowners and local waste authorities, particularly in rural communities because they are difficult to handle and transport and they consume a large amount of increasingly scarce space in these facilities. Some of what is thrown away might be reusable, or contain materials that, through recycling, can replace virgin material in the manufacturing of new products reducing their carbon footprint and overall environmental impact.

During 2015 and 2016, NEWMOA collaborated with waste management authorities and a variety of stakeholders in four rural areas in Maine, Massachusetts, and Vermont to develop effective strategies to reuse and recycle carpet, furniture, mattresses, and large rigid plastic items. NEWMOA and the stakeholder groups:

  • Developed a series of publications focused on best management practices
  • Hosted workshops at project partner locations
  • Hosted a national webinar to summarize the Project results and lessons learned

For more information, contact Jennifer Griffith at jgriffith@newmoa.org.

This material is based upon work supported by the Utilities Programs, United States Department of Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the view of the Utilities Program. The views expressed on this webpage do not necessarily reflect those of NEWMOA, USDA, the Project Partners, or the NEWMOA member-states.

NEWMOA is an equal opportunity employer and provider.



Last Modified 08/25/2020

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