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About NEWMOA Fee-for-Service

NEWMOA's Fee-for-Service Program

NEWMOA's expert staff is available to provide hands-on, direct assistance to support projects and activities for a negotiated fee as summarized below.

Research & Reports

NEWMOA's staff has expertise in pollution prevention, toxics use reduction, chemical ingredient disclosure, sustainable materials management and zero waste, greening targeted sectors, reuse, recycling, composting, waste site cleanup, brownfields, and other waste management topics. Beginning with information gathering, we are available to conduct analysis that helps clients turn information into actionable results. We can help engage government entities and other stakeholders to evaluate the research approaches and results and to help formulate recommendations and action plans.

Examples of research projects and the associated reports include:


NEWMOA's staff is available to provide training needed for successful implementation of projects and activities. We can tailor the training to clients’ needs, including one-on-one training, educational toolkits, webinars, workshops, conferences, and other activities that engage participants in learning. The Association's training actively involves participants in the development of their skills and knowledge.

Examples of training programs include:

Software & Database Support

NEWMOA develops software and other tools to support implementation of pollution prevention, zero waste, toxics use reduction, and waste management projects and activities. Some of these focus on measuring behavioral and environmental outcomes and tracking of programmatic activities. NEWMOA has expertise in software application design, procurement of contractor support, management of contractors, development of documentation and training, upgrades and modifications, and development and delivery of user services.

Examples of software and database support include:

Reports, Newsletters, Fact Sheets, Brochures, & Guidance

NEWMOA publishes reports, fact sheets, posters, brochures, and guidance. Our staff has expertise in writing, editing, and publishing a wide variety of documents for technical and non-technical audiences and is available to provide these services on topics related to our interests.

Examples of publications include:

Technical Assistance

NEWMOA staff is available to provide technical assistance in a number of areas, including targeted sectors, wet garment cleaning, environmental outcome calculators, reuse and recycling of waste paint, implementation of pay-as-you-throw programs, identification and reduction of products that contain mercury and other toxic chemicals, and other topics that are highlighted on our website.

Examples of technical assistance include:


NEWMOA is available to organize meetings that address our areas of interest and expertise. Our staff has extensive experience planning events, managing registration, preparing handouts, working with speakers, and handling onsite logistics.

Examples of meetings include:

Public & Private Sector Networks

NEWMOA has built and supports networks of state and local agencies and private sector organizations. NEWMOA staff convenes these networks by holding meetings and calls, organizing training and information sharing activities, supporting working groups, assisting with recruitment, and supporting their activities. These groups can include agencies and organizations outside of the northeast U.S.

Examples of networks include:


This page was last updated August 9, 2021.



Last Modified 08/09/2021

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