NEWMOA Waste Site Cleanup Workgroups and Networking Groups* include the following:
Brownfields Workgroup
Mission: To support state brownfields programs as they implement the requirements of the new grant program, including improving communication with EPA, as well as assisting in efforts to improve voluntary site cleanup programs.
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection |
Maine Department of Environmental Protection |
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection |
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services |
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection |
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation |
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management |
US Environmental Protection Agency |
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation |
NEWMOA Workgroup Staff:
Jennifer Griffith,
[hide group]
Soil Reuse Workgroup
Mission: Understand how mildly contaminated soils are currently regulated and managed in each state, and develop common reuse options and policies.
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection |
Maine Department of Environmental Protection |
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection |
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services |
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection |
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation |
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management |
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation |
NEWMOA Workgroup Staff:
Jennifer Griffith,
[hide group]
Waste Site Cleanup Steering Committee
Mission: To help states improve the effectiveness of their waste site cleanup programs by facilitating information sharing on program activities, successes, and challenges. Identify priorities and successful approaches for NEWMOA's regional activities to support waste site cleanup programs, including developing annual training plans.
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection |
Maine Department of Environmental Protection |
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection |
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services |
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection |
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation |
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management |
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation |
NEWMOA Workgroup Staff:
Jennifer Griffith,
[hide group]
* Note: Networking Groups are groups of state and federal contacts that have a common interest and responsibility in a particular waste management, waste site cleanup, or pollution prevention area that use the networking group to share information electronically and through irregular conference calls or meetings, if appropriate. The primary focus of these groups is to share information and not to conduct projects.