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Waste Site Cleanup About the Waste Site Cleanup Program


NEWMOA's waste site cleanup program focuses on investigation and remediation of contaminated sites. NEWMOA's Waste Site Cleanup Steering Committee plans and oversees the Association's waste site cleanup projects. Priorities include:

  • Training for state staff and consultants on technical and policy issues
  • Brownfields program improvement
  • Reuse of soils generated from construction, utility, brownfields, and other projects
  • Other information-sharing activities

NEWMOA has established a Supporting Membership program to provide a forum for consulting firms and others to engage with NEWMOA on its activities focused on training. For more information on becoming a Supporting Member please visit the Supporting Membership page.

For more information, contact Jennifer Griffith at .



Last Modified 08/25/2020

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89 South Street, Suite 600; Boston, MA 02111-2651;
ph (617) 367-8558
fax (617) 367-0449
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