Ongoing Projects Green Cleaning and Sanitizing - The project focuses on engaging with stakeholders and developing training and learning objects to educate people about the health and environmental risks or traditional cleaners and disinfectants and how to assess and identify them in the marketplace.
Past Projects P2 Results - Tools to quantify and aggregate data on pollution prevention accomplishments.
EMFACT - Downloadable materials and cost accounting software, as well as support materials.
Food Manufacturing - NEWMOA partnered with the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VT DEC) Pollution Prevention Division to sponsor a Sustainability Summit for processors of secondary dairy products.
Sustainable Grocers - Links to state programs, measurement tools, and presentations.
Sustainable Hospitality - The Green Lodging Calculator; links to state sustainable lodging programs.
Wet Cleaning Systems - Searchable database of available wet cleaning washers and dryers.
Chemical Cleanout of Schools - Workshop curriculum and presentation on how school officials can reduce and eliminate harmful chemicals found in science classrooms in K-12 schools.
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Last Modified 05/11/2021
Pollution Prevention
Solid Waste
Copyright 2025 NEWMOA, Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association