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Pollution Prevention & Sustainability Projects EMFACT Feedback Form


Seeking Help from Users to Continuously Improve EMFACT™

NEWMOA and MA OTA released EMFACT™ Version 1.0 in 2009. The Association anticipates improvements and refinements will be necessary in the future and that there will be upgrades to the software tool. The Association worked with the EMFACT™ Advisory Group and others to beta test and obtained input and feedback on the initial EMFACT™ Version 1.0 prior to its release. However, the ultimate value and impact of EMFACT™ will be realized when companies use the tool and provide comments and suggestions for improvements and upgrades.

NEWMOA and MA OTA are already considering how to improve the tool and to pursue resources for that purpose. The agencies are excited about hearing ideas from EMFACT™ users about what works and does not work with EMFACT™. Please complete the form below and click submit to give us your comments and suggestions.

Section 1 - General Information:

1. Please provide the following information so that we can contact you for further feedback on EMFACT's future development:


2. Please select the type of organization for whom you work:

3. Please describe how you are using EMFACT:*

4. How have you found EMFACT to be useful?*

5. Have you, or would you, recommend EMFACT to others?
If so, for what purposes?
If not, why not?


Section 2 - EMFACT Functionality:

6. Did you have any problems with the installation process?

  • Full install (first time)
  • Updates
  • If yes, please describe the problem and how you addressed it:  

    7. Please indicate the EMFACT functionality that you are using (check all that apply):*

    8. EMFACT is designed to support a BASIC navigation path and an ADVANCED navigation path, which type do you use?

    BOTH, depending on what I'm doing in EMFACT

    Please provide comments on these navigation paths:  

    9. EMFACT includes "cue card" menus for the BASIC user to guide them through a logical series of windows:

  • Did you use the cue card menus?
  • If yes, did the cue cards help you understand the software process?
  • If you used them, please provide comments on the cue cards:


    Section 3 - EMFACT Performance:

    10. Would you say that EMFACT was easy to use?

    Strongly Agree Moderately Agree No Opinion Moderately Disagree Strongly Disagree

    Please comment:

    11. Would you say that EMFACT works as advertised?

    Strongly Agree Moderately Agree No Opinion Moderately Disagree Strongly Disagree

    Please comment:

    12. Are there any terms used in EMFACT that you do not understand? If so, which ones?

    13. Do you have any other recommendations for EMFACT upgrades and improvements?


    * required field



    Last Modified 08/25/2020

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