NEWMOA's Waste Site Cleanup and Solid Waste Programs are working together to share information on the management of excess soil for reuse. Construction, utility, brownfields, and waste site cleanup projects can generate quantities of excess soil that cannot be reused at the project site and can contain contaminants at levels that are detectable, but much below those that would qualify them as hazardous waste.
The information below was provided by each state, and may not be complete. Contact the applicable state(s) to determine if there have been recent updates or if there is additional information. See Soils Reuse Workgroup to find state contacts and their e-mail addresses.
For more information, contact Jennifer Griffith, .
Other Soil Contaminant Numbers §375-6.8 Soil cleanup objective tables Unrestricted Use Protection of Public Health-Residential Site Use Protection of Public Health-Commercial Site UseProtection of Groundwater
Other Soil Info §375-6.7 Other Considerations and Media Section (d) addresses what soils can be imported to Superfund, Brownfield, or Spill program sites for backfill and cover.
New York §375-6.8 Soil Cleanup Objective Tables Unrestricted Use Protection of Public Health-Residential Site Use Protection of Public Health - Commercial Site Protection of Groundwater
New York §375-6.7 Other Considerations and Media Section (d) addresses what soils can be imported to Superfund, Brownfield, or Spill program sites for backfill and cover.