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Mercury Program Events 2009 Mercury Science & Policy Conference Conference Pictures


2009 Mercury Science & Policy Conference with a Special Focus on the Great Lakes & Northeast Regions

Organized & Sponsored by:
U.S. EPA & Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA)

November 17-18
Union League Club of Chicago
65 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, IL

Conference Pictures - Click to enlarge any image

Welcoming - Terri Goldberg
Welcoming - Terri Goldberg
Welcoming - Gary Gulezian
Welcoming - Gary Gulezian
Opening Plenary - DaveEvers
Opening Plenary - DaveEvers
Tribute to Kate Mahaffey - Dave Jacobs and Mark Smith presentation of plaque
Tribute to Kate Mahaffey - Dave Jacobs and Mark Smith presentation of plaque
Tribute to Kate Mahaffey - Dave Jacobs
Tribute to Kate Mahaffey - Dave Jacobs
Breakout Session 3B - Bev Migliore
Breakout Session 3B - Bev Migliore
Breakout Session 3B - Carl Herbrandson
Breakout Session 3B - Carl Herbrandson
Breakout Session 3B - John Gilkeson
Breakout Session 3B - John Gilkeson
Breakout Session 4A - James Wiener
Breakout Session 4A - James Wiener
Poster Session - Allison Gulka
Poster Session - Allison Gulka
Poster Session
Poster Session
Poster Session - MERX
Poster Session - MERX
Poster Session - P2Rx
Poster Session - P2Rx
Session 5 Plenary - Alexis Cain
Session 5 Plenary - Alexis Cain
Session 5 Plenary - Mark Smith
Session 5 Plenary - Mark Smith
Session 5 Plenary - Stephanie D'Agostino
Session 5 Plenary - Stephanie D'Agostino
Session 5 Plenary Panel
Session 5 Plenary Panel
Breakout Session 6A - Elsie Sunderland
Breakout Session 6A - Elsie Sunderland
Breakout Session 6B - David Lennett
Breakout Session 6B - David Lennett
Breakout Session 6B - Marianne Bailey
Breakout Session 6B - Marianne Bailey
Breakout Session 7A - Bethany Card
Breakout Session 7A - Bethany Card
Breakout Session 7A - Ned Brooks
Breakout Session 7A - Ned Brooks
Breakout Session 8A - Jennifer Nash
Breakout Session 8A - Jennifer Nash
Closing Plenary Panel
Closing Plenary Panel



Last Modified 08/25/2020

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