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Mercury Program Events 2009 Mercury Science & Policy Conference Call For Presentations


2009 Mercury Science & Policy Conference with a Special Focus on the Great Lakes & Northeast Regions

November 17-18
Union League Club of Chicago
65 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, IL

Call for Presentations

Deadline for Submissions: June 3, 2009

Objectives of the Conference

  • provide current information on human health, environmental, and ecological research findings and associated policy activities pertaining to mercury
  • provide a forum for evaluating advancements in reducing mercury releases
  • provide a forum for discussing the scientific and public health bases for policy actions to effectively address mercury risks
  • facilitate an exchange on the cross media technical, policy, and management issues pertaining to mercury
  • identify high priority areas for future cost effective mercury reduction activities and strategies
  • identify high priority areas for future research needed to inform policy and management decisions

The purpose of the conference is to connect current scientific research findings with policy, without bias toward any point of view. In this context, policy refers to government policy as reflected in federal, state, or local government actions that include legislative, regulatory, voluntary, and educational efforts. In general, the scientific research presented should focus on applied rather than basic research, unless the basic science is important to understanding critical issues and questions that are needed as a basis for potential government actions. Conference papers selected will be those that target priority topics and issues of special interest in the Great Lakes or Northeast Regions.


  • Federal, state, provincial, tribal, and local environmental and public health officials
  • Policy makers and elected officials
  • Academic and government researchers
  • Non-governmental and community organizations
  • Industry representatives
  • Labor organization representatives

Geographic Focus of the Conference:
The conference will be designed to target participation from the geographic area covered by the following states and provinces: Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Vermont; New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and Quebec.

Call for Presentations

We are looking for individuals with expertise in mercury and its health and environmental impacts to submit ideas for presentations at the Mercury Science and Policy Conference, which will take place November 17-18, 2009. For more information on the Conference, go to www.newmoa.org/prevention/.

The Conference will focus on the following areas of interest along with examples of topics for presentations.

1. Anthropogenic Impacts on Mercury Cycling in the Environment, including the Air & Water

  • What are the reductions in mercury deposition in the Northeast/Great Lakes that are achieved by reducing mercury in North America versus global efforts?
  • What can we learn from recent mercury monitoring studies?
  • What are the future directions for mercury monitoring in the U.S.?
  • What are the impacts of global warming on mercury cycling in the environment?
  • What are the results of recent studies of mercury cycling in ecosystems in the Northeast or Great Lakes?
  • What are the major sources of mercury loading to waters in the Northeast and Great Lakes?
  • What are the recent findings on the ecological and wildlife impacts of mercury?
  • What are the relative contributions of anthropogenic versus natural sources of mercury in the environment?

2. Mercury Health Effects

  • What can we learn from the new studies on mercury toxicity?
  • What are the latest research findings on the impacts of fish consumption advisories on fish consumption and mercury exposure?
  • What are the mercury exposures associated with broken products, including fluorescent lamps, and what we can do to reduce this potential source of exposure?

3. Impacts of Mercury Regulations & Reduction Activities & Initiatives

  • What are the best methods for controlling mercury emissions from power plants? What are the opportunities for addressing mercury and greenhouse gas emissions controls at power plants?
  • What are the impacts of regulatory and voluntary initiatives to reduce mercury in products, including thermostats, switches, lamps, thermometers, dental amalgam, and others?
  • What are the promising new approaches to federal and state regulatory efforts to control mercury releases to air, water, and the waste stream?
  • What are the impacts of regulatory and voluntary initiatives to reduce mercury from cement kilns, chlor-alkali plants, and mining operations?
  • What impact are outreach efforts having on public awareness of mercury issues?
  • What are the impacts of mercury product removal, collection, and recycling programs in schools, hospitals, dental clinics, small businesses and other commercial enterprises, and residential properties?
  • What is happening to the mercury that is being recovered from the products collected through recycling programs?
  • What is happening to the mercury that is generated as a by-product of other operations (i.e., mining operations and fly ash)?

4. Mercury Policy Initiatives: Going Forward

  • What are the key future federal and state regulatory efforts that are necessary to control mercury releases?
  • What do we know about lesser-known non-industrial sources or possibly new mercury sources (e.g., landfills, cultural uses, new products)?
  • What are the high priority mercury sources that we need to target for future reductions?
  • What are the high priority actions that can be taken to minimize methylation of mercury in the environment?

Submission Guidelines

You have the following options for submitting ideas for presentation at the conference:

  • 20-minute presentation describing your work, knowledge, or experience that pertains to a relevant topic. This would occur during the traditional three-speaker concurrent session panel with a moderator. If selected, the conference organizers will weave your presentation with compatible presentations into a full 90-minute session with a moderator and time for questions and discussion.
  • Full 90-minute panel-concurrent session devoted to a whole topic with pre-selected presenters. If accepted, the conference organizers would assume that you or someone you identify would chair this session and work with the proposed speakers. Please line up your presenters by the time you submit your proposed session.
  • Exhibits or posters. If accepted, the conference organizers would work with you to address your needs for table top space or floor space.

Proposals will be due by no later than June 3, 2009. As you summarize your proposal, please keep in mind that a review committee will use the following criteria to review all submissions and select final content:

The Conference Steering Committee is interested in presentations that focus on the results of current research.

Clarity: The summary is well written and its purpose is clear.
Relevance: Topic is relevant and appropriate for the audience. Priority will be given to presentations that bear particular relevance to the Great Lakes and Northeast Regions, including the Canadian Provinces that border the regions in those states.
Timeliness: Information is new or addresses an important problem.
Transferability: Information or program is applicable across situations OR of interest to many.
Innovativeness: Subject of session presents a creative approach or solution.
Knowledge: Lead presenters or facilitators demonstrate relevant understanding and experience.
Balance: Panels of presenters will strive to demonstrate various points of view.



Last Modified 08/25/2020

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