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Safer Alternatives Webinar
November 12, 2009
3:00-4:30 EST

The purpose of this web conference will be to provide an overview of the States Alternatives Assessment Wiki. This wiki has been developed by an ad hoc group of state environmental agency staff under the leadership of Pam Eliason, Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI), University of Massachusetts Lowell.

The intent of the Safer Alternatives Wiki site is to create a set of flexible, adaptive steps that follow a shared understanding of what constitutes an evaluation of potentially safer alternatives to a chemical of concern. The goal is not to dictate precisely how to conduct the assessment, but rather to lay out basic steps generally agreed upon, and to provide a set of resources to draw from when an alternatives assessment is performed. The Wiki is being developed collaboratively by members of agencies and organizations from the following states:

  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Illinois
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • New York
  • Oregon
  • Washington

The States Alternatives Assessment Protocol Wiki is designed to provide guidance, examples, and resources for states interested in conducting or promoting alternatives assessments.

Speaker: Pam Eliason, TURI. Pam will demonstrate the user interface, navigation, and content of the Wiki. The web conference will include time for questions and discussion about the development of the Wiki, what’s left to be done, and its relationship to the work of the IC2.



Last Modified 08/25/2020

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