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Pollution Prevention & Sustainability Events Web Conferences Starting a Hotel Composting Program

Starting a Hotel Composting Program
March 10, 2011
1:00 - 2:30 PM EST


The purpose of this Webinar is to introduce participants to organics management and composting practices, as well as share the real world experience and lessons learned from a hotel that has successfully implemented a composting program. See webinar agenda below:

Introduction - 10 min.

Diverting Organics from Food and Hospitality Venues [PDF] - 40 min.
Presenter: Eva Christensen, Earthtenders
Eva Christensen is the owner of Earthtenders, a community organics recycling facility and education center, located in Farmington, NH. She helps create complete waste diversion and zero waste programs, make organic compost products, and conduct custom-designed educational events. She has extensive expertise in starting and sustaining composting systems for commercial businesses. (www.earthtenders.org)

Case Study: Composting at the Sheraton Portsmouth Harborside Hotel [PDF] - 20 min.
Presenter: Meghan Proctor, Sheraton Portsmouth Harborside Hotel
Meghan Proctor is the Director of Human Resources at the Sheraton Portsmouth Harborside Hotel in Portsmouth, NH. The hotel implemented a composting program as part of its green initiatives. The Sheraton Portsmouth Harborside is a proud recipient of the New Hampshire Sustainable Lodging and Restaurant Program Environmental Champion Award. (www.sheratonportsmouth.com/environmental-green-policy.html)

Questions & Discussion - 20 min.



Last Modified 08/25/2020

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