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Pollution Prevention & Sustainability Events Web Conferences Case Studies of Carbon Footprinting

Session 3: Case Studies of Carbon Footprinting
June 2, 2011
2:00 - 3:30 PM EST

This third session focused on case studies of industries and organizations that have gone through greenhouse gas inventory exercises, including lessons learned from establishing a baseline, setting GHG reduction goals, and working toward meeting those goals. See webinar agenda and links to the presentations below.

Introduction & Recap from Sessions 1 & 2 - 15 min.

Case Study 1: Green Mountain Coffee Roasters - 20 min.
Presenter: Paul Comey, Vice President Environmental Affairs, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (VT)
Mr. Comey has a vision of accelerating Green Mountain Coffee’s leadership in the environmental arena by using climate change as a competitive advantage. His initial efforts to map the company’s environmental footprint have resulted in significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Prior to joining Green Mountain Coffee in 1993, Mr. Comey founded and managed Baseline Solutions, a consulting company focused on bottom line improvements in manufacturing operations, pollution compliance, equipment design, and process layout. He graduated from Boston State College with a major in sociology and a minor in education. After teaching for four years he was awarded a fellowship to Fitchburg State College, earning an M.E.

Case Study 2: Pure Strategies, Inc. - 20 min.
Presenter: Charissa Rigano, Project Manager, Pure Strategies Inc. (MA)
Ms. Rigano develops and manages sustainability programs at Oakhurst Dairy and calculates carbon footprints and doing GHG reporting for universities, businesses, and international corporations. Her previous work experience includes green chemistry work for the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and compliance consulting for CH2MHILL Inc. She holds an M.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of California at Los Angeles and a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Tufts University.

Case Study 3: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - 20 min.
Presenter: Angela Kora, Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (WA)
Ms. Kora’s research interests focus on sustainable design, energy efficiency, and carbon management. Since joining PNNL in 2008, Ms. Kora has supported projects such as assessing whole building performance of green buildings, identifying energy and water conservation opportunities in federal and private facilities, calculating carbon inventories, and analyzing domestic and international carbon management projects and policies. She also works on identifying and analyzing potential biomass projects on U.S. Army installations.

Questions & Discussion - 15 min.

In addition, four polling questions were presented to attendees at the beginning of the webinar, prior to the presentations, and then again at the conclusion of the webinar.  The purpose of this exercise was to evaluate participants’ learning as a result of this webinar.  Check out the answers and explanations for to this session's Polling Questions (PDF).

A Recording of the webinar is available in Windows Media Player (wmv) format.

This webinar was sponsored by the Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA) and the Northwest Pollution Prevention Resouce Center (PPRC) with funding support from the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx).



Last Modified 08/25/2020

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