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Managing Unused Latex Paint Workshop:
Focusing on Options for Rural Communities in Maine

Monday, July 22, 2013
64 Blueberry Road
Portland, ME
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments
125 Manley Road
Auburn, ME

Proposed Workshop Agenda

Please note: These meetings were designed to be as interactive as possible and we encouraged audience feedback and participation throughout the events.

 Welcome & Introductions
 Rachel Smith & Jennifer Griffith, NEWMOA

The Problem with Managing Latex Paint in Maine
Ferg Lea, AVCOG

This introduction "set the stage" for why managing leftover "waste" paint is an issue in Maine - especially for rural communities.  The remainder of the workshop focused on possible actions for communities, including: prevention through consumer education, facilitating local reuse through latex paint exchanges, and participating in a paint recycling program.

Preventing Waste Paint
Rachel Smith, NEWMOA

This session focused on preventing the generation of waste paint and discussed educational messages that local retailers, solid waste programs, and others can use to encourage customers and residents to purchase the correct amount of paint. 

Case Studies of Paint Drop & Swaps
Jennifer Griffith, NEWMOA

This session provided some examples of communities that have successfully implemented latex paint exchanges (aka drop and swaps) to facilitate the reuse of usable latex paint among residents.

Recycling Paint
Ida Arabshahi, PaintCare (www.paintcare.org)

The law that provides for the paint manufacturing industry to pay for paint recycling became effective July 2 of this year.  This session will be a preliminary discussion of how the paint manufacturers’ association, PaintCare, will help fund town and retailer collection and recycling programs - anticipated to begin in July 2015.

Questions, Feedback, and Discussion

Meeting Adjourned


For more information, contact Rachel Smith at .



Last Modified 06/30/2021

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