Paint Booth Reports

To find out more about the amount of VOCs emitted by the desk top spray booth for the last three months, Ernest decides to generate several reports.

There are two other useful reports that Ernest creates. To do so, he can use the buttons on the Air Emissions outputs window, if he is still on that window. Otherwise, he can access them from the Reports pull-down menu.

  • The Usage (Air): Weight per Material with 12 Month Rolling Report displays the sum (in pounds) for the equipment, grouped by material and month, along with 12 month running totals. This is perfect for showing Ernest's boss how much VOCs are emitted from the desk top spray booth for the last three months. Ernest will need to track VOC emissions from other pieces of equipment in order to get a picture for the entire facility.
  • The Air Emissions: Weight per Pollutant with 12 Month Rolling Report is similar to the first one, and includes the number of hours and computed emissions by pollutant.

Click on the Show Me link to see Ernest run the air reports and what the reports reveal.

Show Me - The Usage (Air): Weight per Material with 12 Month Rolling Report
Show Me - The Air Emissions: Weight per Pollutant with 12 Month Rolling Report